Our solutions

Smart solutions for your applications

We develop smart solutions for your application in the field of
Communication, Embedded Systems and Smart Metering.

Our company name „solvimus“ implies our company philosophy, it is Latin and means „we solve“.

You are looking for intelligent ways to master new requirements and tasks? We offer suitable solutions for your applications in the fields of Communication, Embedded Systems and Automated Meter Reading.

The icons related to the particular solutions can be found on our product pages. This will help you to determine the most suitable product for your application.

Reading of instantaneous values

Do you want to read meter data very often and continuously and the application is in the field of controlling and monitoring? In this case, our gateways are the best option for it. 



Reading on due dates

Do you want to read meter data at the end of a period and the application is in the field of monitoring and submeter billing? In this case, our data concentrators / data loggers are suitable for you.




Do you want to expand your own portfolio by devices for remote meter reading or to equip your products with interfaces for Smart Metering?



Customer-specific development/ embedded development

As development service providers in the field of Embedded Systems, we can offer customized solutions in addition to our standard products. 



Mareike Petermann

Your contact persons

Mareike Petermann and
Michelle Ertner-Stamprech

Internal Sales Service
Fon: +49 3677 7613066

Michelle Ertner-Stamprecht

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